Are You Part of the Eight Percent?

Are You Part of the Eight Percent?

2015 gold roadMost New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by Valentine’s Day. In fact, only about 8% of people achieve their resolutions each year. Right now the gyms are crowded, the stores are out of kale and everyone is miserable. Why do they fail? Mainly because people set unrealistic goals and the initial elation quickly fades when the first stumbling block appears. Success requires a change of “habit,” something extremely difficult to achieve.

Experts say you should take small steps, keep it simple, and be realistic. Business owners and employers who set yearly goals and objectives for their company and employees know how to get it right. Goals are attainable and achievable. We know that many employers are moving in the direction of private health exchanges for their employees. We thought we’d take the most popular New Year’s resolutions and adapt them into healthy private exchange resolutions for your company. They are simple and extremely realistic.

  1. Manage Money Better – Private health exchanges not only help you as an employer, manage money better but they also empower employees to make the best decisions for themselves and their wallet. Defined contribution plans (which is the basis for private exchanges) give each employer the flexibility to design and offer employee health plans that are on budget while providing employees with quality health care and outstanding and unique ancillary products and services.
  2. Reduce Stress – The Affordable Care Act has been giving employers indigestion for two years now. Congress doesn’t help. New regulations, orders and clarifications are coming out weekly. Choosing the right private exchange that is ACA compliant is just what you need in 2015.
  3. Be Healthy – The health of any company is often measured by employee satisfaction, customer loyalty and operational efficiency. With a private health exchange you can be assured that your employees are happy and that your Human Resources department is running very smoothly. The right exchange has the right technology behind it. Your HR professionals are no longer making the health care decisions for your employees; they are helping your employees make the right choices for themselves. So now, customer loyalty can become your number one focus in 2015.

While moving to a private exchange might seem like a huge step and ignores the “keep it simple” rule, it’s actually not. With the right provider partner – one like CieloStar that has over 25 years experience in benefits management, the move to a private exchange will be a modest change. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

If you make an active decision this year to be a part of the 8% that fulfill their resolutions, all we can say is Happy New Year!