ACO Solutions in an Online Environment
The CieloCare Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Solution enables healthcare systems to take control of health benefits transactions and offer a complete ACO solution in their chosen markets.
Using CieloStar’s BenefitReady platform, healthcare systems can offer plan purchasing, CDH and medical claim processing, and initiatives to improve the health of members using Health Risk Assessments and incentive programs. The CieloCare platform puts all these services in once place in an online environment.
Choice, Automation, and Efficiency
Benefit program providers enjoy greater interest and engagement from their current and prospective members by offering the CieloCare platform.
In a pro-business approach that fosters choice, competitive pricing, automation and efficiency, CieloCare becomes an attractive component of the overall value proposition that exchange sponsors can uniquely provide to their clients or membership.
In addition, exchange sponsors have the ability to generate non-dues revenue as a result of offering a variety of insurance plans, discount programs and affinity products within a private exchange. A revenue share approach utilizing commissions, overrides or built-in fees can produce significant income for the exchange sponsor.
Professionally Packaged Benefit Offerings
Member companies of the exchange are eligible to receive a professionally packaged collection of attractive benefit offerings for their employees.
These benefits are generally “guaranteed issue,” which means that all employees that would like to participate are guaranteed to receive coverage. The online enrollment platform makes the education, review and enrollment process very easy for the employees.
With the CieloCare ACO Solution, the administration burden for member companies is drastically reduced when compared to the coordination and maintenance process involved with creating their own collection of plan offerings. Member companies will appreciate gaining access to the CieloCare platform and offerings through the exchange sponsor as a trusted and familiar source.
Employees benefit from their easy online access to a wide variety of plan and program offerings.
In the absence of a comprehensive employer-sponsored plan, the CieloCare Private Exchange brings employees a full collection of plans and programs that might not otherwise be available. Educational materials, employer forms and communication materials, decision support tools and calculators, and year-round access to comprehensive benefit information are available on the CieloStar online portal.